viernes, 12 de febrero de 2016

First Partial Reflection

-How did you feel in this first month?
I feel excellent because i learned new things and new rules.
-What was the least and the most difficult skills?
The present perfect is one of the rules that for me is difficult because i don't know how is the particple
-What was the least and the most difficult exercise?
For me, the difficult exercise that i have was the quiz where i needed the answer later by letter
-In wich type or exercise you feel confortable?
The exercise that i feel perfect is in the page of Oxford because you have change for check the answer and see the mistake.
-What are you plans to improve the weak areas?
Do exercise online for check and improve that for me is weak for example Present Perfect

1 comentario:

  1. Keep working, I think you can do better than that, pls work harder. You have 95
